Sunday, February 24, 2008

so it's been awhile . . .

In all honesty, I've been lagging behind in this whole green pursuit as well. We've made some basic changes in our lives that encourage us to be more green but as with anything, the initial excitement fades . . . I was thinking about what it meant to serve God by being aware of my impact almost every day and everywhere I went. I am still acutely aware of these things but it's not as consuming as it was initially. I guess it's good that some things are becoming habit, like really paying attention to recycling, composting and making sure that we're carpooling. I know we still have a lot to learn and I am committed to trying to continue living in a way that will show Christ to the world by living a sustainable lifestyle.

Since my last post, our church had the trash pick-up and it was wildly successful! It's exciting to see that the people in our congregation are willing to give back to the community that way. What they don't know is that it's beginning of my push for our church to become more green. Where do they think those recycling bins have come from? :) I am working on a list of 10 free things you can do to help be conscious of your impact on the environment. Maybe I'll post them here to get some feedback once I feel like I have a good list generated.

But back to the people that came out - I know some of them have political issues with saving the environment and it was refreshing to see those people put the political side of things aside so that they could serve. Praise God. I truly believe that sustainability and environmentalism should not be a political issue at all - people are dying and they are the poorest, youngest, oldest and the least capable to take care of themselves. Jesus said to help them, therefore we should - even when that means that we don't get that huge SUV or we don't use disposable utensils and plates. . .

On another note, Thursday, March 20, Matthew Sleeth (author of Serve God Save the Planet - read it if you haven't) will be interviewed in a live streamcast at to discuss creation care and honoring the Sabbath. Hope you can tune in: 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST.

Well on that note, I'll wrap up and try to commit to blogging a bit more. . .

“You shall not pollute the land in which you live. . . .You shall not defile the land in which you live, in which I also dwell.” Numbers 35:33–34, NRSV


Anonymous said...

Hello! I believe it was your husband who directed me here from a forum on It's been great to read some of your entries. I understand what you mean by slowing down. It seems to come in stages. Good luck to you and your stewardship!

Joy Choquette said...

Love your blog--I found it through a post on Relevant's website. Thanks for the great work--it's inspiring! :)