Wednesday, August 8, 2007

designing without the car in mind

I just think this car is really cool. And fairly inexpensive for what it delivers: Maybe Jason's car will die when it comes out in 08 and we can get one.

I saw them all over the place when I was in Italy. Oh Italy. I want to go back so badly. To be in a country that was built when we were not autocentric. So this relates back to when I was in school and we were studying city planning. It seems that since America is a young nation in compasion to what's across the 'pond' we designed a good majority of our cities based on reliances of the automobile. Now, there are some, like NY City, that were not designed around the automobile, and the result is a dense, subway riding, walking population. It's also ranked at the #1 place for young professionals to live. Could you imagine living somewhere where you didn't own a car, and the majority of your friends didn't own cars? My parents are from NY. My mom didn't learn how to drive until she was 28 and moved with my dad to Houston.

Anyways, it's interesting how the way we've created our country has lead to a dependance on cars. Walking anywhere in America is harder than it is in Europe because of the lack of public transportation and destinations nearby our houses. Sprawl.

Thankfully there's a new method of thought on this planning called 'New Urbanism'. As with anything, it can be taken to an unhealthy extreme, but I think some of the basic concepts are fabulous. Some of the main points of this practice are:

- walkability
- connectivity
- mixed use and diversity
- mixed housing
- quality architecture and urban design
- traditional neighborhood structure
- increased density
- smart transportation
- sustainability
- quality of life

It makes me feel pretty good that my discipline supports and encourages these ideas. Finally, I feel proud of what I do.

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